Hear Me Roar
Similar to the Los Angeles occupiers who stood their ground on eviction day, one protester refused to bow down to police intimidation when they were forcibly removing people from the farm. Via Michael Kuehnert

Check out the delectable fresh fruits and vegatables that were produced and distributed by the South Central Farmers. Via Michael Kuehnert

Michael Kuehnert, the director of Save The Farm, talks openly about the making of the documentary and why he supports the South Central Farmers. Via Michael Kuehnert
United We Stand
The South Central Farmers saw similarities between their fight for a free farm and what was happening downtown in front of City Hall with Occupy Los Angeles. As a result they decided to throw their support behind the Occupy Los Angeles movement.
“When causes reach out and band together, true movements for economic and social change begin and coalesce,” said the press contact for the South Central Farmers, Tezozomoc.
Having experience with evictions from the city, and feeling like the wealthy take advantage of the poor, the South Central Farmers felt they could help progress the Occupy Los Angeles movement.
“As the South Central Farm encampment did half a decade ago, the Occupy Los Angeles encampment has shined a spotlight on the great social and economic divide in our city. The South Central Farmers encourage you to use the upcoming police raid to amplify your message and your demands,” said Tezozomoc.
When it comes to demands, the South Central Farmers weren’t afraid to express their desires. When the city of Los Angeles ordered an eviction of Occupy Los Angeles, the farmers made sure their needs were addressed in a counter offer to the city’s proposal.
“South Central Farm to be returned to the same LA community from which it was taken, and all other vacant and distressed land be open for the community use, and money to the tune of 1 million dollars – taken from Skid Row and given to the multi million dollar NFL firm – to be returned to Skid Row,” were the demands of the Occupiers when they refused the City’s order to vacate City Hall.
The South Central Farmers are still working closely with the Occupiers to find ways to continue the movement after the eviction. There have even been rumors swirling around that the Occupy movement is considering setting up a new base camp at the vacant lot that used to be the South Central Farm.
Click Here To Read the Full Counter Offer!
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