Pictures Of South Central Farmers Produce
See for yourself how delicious homegrown can look! Via South Central Farmers Facebook

Michael Kuehnert, the director of Save The Farm, talks openly about the making of the documentary and why he supports the South Central Farmers. Via Michael Kuehnert

They may have been evicted them from their farm, but they will not be purged from their tents! South Central Farmers and fighting to keep the Occupy LA movement alive. Via Michael Kuehnert
South Central Farmers Veggies
Why buy local, when it’s so convenient to stop by a super market? Because fresh produce with no added hormones is always a healthy choice for you and your family.
In addition to being high-quality nourishment, fresh grown vegetables taste just as good or better than what is availiable at super markets. Take a look at some pictures of fresh produce grown by the South Central Farmers, and see how great organic an taste.
Since the farmers were stripped of their land, they have been growing produce on farmland in the central valley that was donated to their cause. Every few weeks, the South Central farmers take their fresh grown crops and sell them at local Farmers’ markets in Los Angeles. For some lower-income areas, this is the only opportunity they have to eat fresh produce because it's not offered in their grocery stores.